School Connect Summit 2022

Please join us for the 6th Annual School Connect Summit on January 25, 2022 at Grand Canyon University Arena. Together, we will build resiliency, curate innovative solutions to new challenges, and empower our communities to invest in their local schools. Take your seat at the table as leaders from every sector share their vision for the future. United, we can truly meet the needs of our schools, students, and their families.

Event Details

January 25, 2022 | 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Grand Canyon University Arena
3300 West Camelback Road, Phoenix, AZ 85017

  • Network with 800+ education, business, faith, nonprofit & government leaders across the state
  • Share a table with cross-sector leaders from your own region to directly impact your community
  • Learn how to navigate through uncertainty and change as a powerful team
  • Examine student-centered learning, learn the value of trauma informed leadership, and brainstorm innovative community solutions to our thorniest challenges


Join Our Village

Doing this alone is impossible; it takes all of us working together to make a difference.

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Grand Canyon University @gcu and School Connect are pleased to invite you to our Classroom to Career Conference on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, from 3-6 pm.



This future forward conference connects STEM industry leaders with school leadership forming STEM partnerships that will support Arizona youth from STEM classrooms all the way to STEM careers!

Much like the STEM CAFE, this conference is your one stop shop to bridge the gap between education and industry, connecting resources and integrating real world STEM experiences into the classroom. Whether you are a STEM industry leader looking to engage STEM talent or an educator looking to provide direct career pathways for your students, you don’t want to miss this exciting event!

@stemsportsusa @gentechsupport @cityofphoenixaz @traceybee65 @scottsdaleunifiedsd @eric.j.rodriguez
The moment during Love Our Schools Day when Sunnyslope High School players realize they can help Sierra out of her wheelchair to make a basket. Watch with the sound on to hear these #studentleaders cheer her on! If you have not signed up for Love Our Schools Day yet, now is the time. Don’t miss the magic!

#LoveOurSchools #sunnyslopeproud #everychildmatters #leadershipstartshere #studentleaders #vikings #eaglessoar
@glendaleunionaz @sunnyslope_wesd @sunnyslopebasketball
NEW DATE! Join School Connect on Sept 11th to fire up the lanes and knock ’em down for our 2nd Annual Bowling Tournament Fundraiser! Bring a team to represent your organization and help us build a brighter future for Arizona youth!
Thank you to our sponsors: @core1937 #VSMG @stemsportsusa @progressive_roofing
#everychildmatters #representAZ #beachampion #team #bowlingtournament #networkforacause
Last year for Love Our Schools Day, volunteers helped Lakeview Elementary pack and organize their food pantry for kids experiencing hunger. What project is your school doing for Love Our Schools Day? Post your project to invite volunteers to your school! 


#loveourschool  #loveourschoolsday #communityaction #schoolproject #hungerheroes 


@lakeviewelementary @wesd_schools @calvaryphx
What is YOUR favorite Front “Pourch” Rule?
Summertime means TIME spent with your #family, your #friends, and your #team! Tell us your Favorite Front “Pourch” Rule(s) in the comments! Do you never sip alone? Do you observe 5 o’clock somewhere rules? What’s your sip of choice?

Every person who comments with their favorite rule(s) will be entered into a drawing to win 2 free tickets to our Brewery Tour Fundraiser! 
Fundraising tickets available here:

Tour schedule available here:

#summertime #neversipalone #5oclocksomewhere #frontpourchrules #frontporchrules #community 
@frontpourchbrewing @lakepleasantbrewing @simplemachinebrewing