Business Community

Your Business + Local Schools = A Stronger Marketplace

Empower your employees to give back | Prepare a better-trained workforce | Better inform your customer base

Dutch Bros Sticker Contest

When Dutch Bros, Alice Cooper’s the Rock Teen Center, and School Connect joined forces with the Paradise Valley School District, the result was 500 students competing to design the next Dutch Bros sticker! Fine Arts student, Cloe Bell, did not let her learning disability stop her from winning first prize – a whole year of free Dutch Bros, and the knowledge that other people believed in her! Imagine what opportunities your company could create for Arizona youth when you connect to your local schools?

Help Employees Live Out Their Purpose

For Valley Metro employee, Daryl Blazing, the experience was especially rewarding. He recounts, “To be able to get outside the walls of this building and our normal mode of operations, and to be able to supply this equipment to these kids…It was really exciting to see the looks on the kids faces, the joy in the parents faces that their kids could now do their homework at home instead of scheduling time at the library to find an available PC…What I think of as “every day” and “expected” was so much excitement!”

Make A Difference For A Child

By connecting to local schools your company can make a direct impact for the children who need it most

Inspired Employees Love To Give Back

Lend business expertise to educators and students by tutoring, joining a planning committee, or mentoring

Give Where It Counts For Local Children

Sponsor initiatives you care about to support local schools with resources and opportunities for students!

Team Builders That Make An Impact

Bring a team of employees to volunteer on a school campus for LOVE OUR SCHOOLS DAY!

How can my business or team support Arizona youth?


Love Our Schools

Bring a team of volunteers to support a project for Love Our Schools Day!

School Connect Awards

Help us honor champions of education both inside and outside the classroom!

Love Our Teachers

Teaches are the leaders of the classroom and have a direct impact on the success of our children. Let’s show our teachers some love!


School Connect Summit

Network with top leaders across the state to form strategic partnerships that change outcomes for kids!

Connect at a CAFE

Connect with school leadership to learn how you can make a difference! Join A CAFE!

Champion Program

School Connect connects, trains, and coaches leaders like YOU to become champions for the children in your community. Connect to a school champion or learn how to become one!

Training & Coaching

Find training and coaching to help you reach your goals in ways that fit for your community!


Sponsor a School 

Sponsor a school to make a direct impact where it is needed most!

Support a Project

Help fund a needed school project planned by the school and community!

Parent Connect 

Bring the Parent Connect program to your local schools! Build connections to support the families in your neighborhood.

“I can tell you that businesses are looking for ways to connect with schools, and they need a strategy. And what the [School Connect] Summit does is it provides a strategy and specific action steps. And here’s what’s even better – they work!”


CORE Construction’s John Dowd Shares Their Heart For Schools

The way we aligned with schools was we wanted to serve communities just like schools are doing. They are serving children, they are serving parents, they are serving the overall community that surrounds them. Whether it’s supporting teachers, connecting rural areas to equal opportunities, or supplying tech and connectivity to underserved areas, we want to support every teacher and every student we possibly can.

Join Our Village

Doing this alone is impossible; it takes all of us working together to make a difference.

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News & Events

Sign Up for Love Our Schools Day!

Are you a local school with a project? Love Our Schools Day is a project-based volunteer opportunity when the community can roll up their sleeves at a local school and make a difference where it is needed most. Perfect for a company team builder, a church service day, or a student club volunteer project, connect with us to plan a project for your school!

Grand Canyon University @gcu and School Connect are pleased to invite you to our Classroom to Career Conference on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, from 3-6 pm.



This future forward conference connects STEM industry leaders with school leadership forming STEM partnerships that will support Arizona youth from STEM classrooms all the way to STEM careers!

Much like the STEM CAFE, this conference is your one stop shop to bridge the gap between education and industry, connecting resources and integrating real world STEM experiences into the classroom. Whether you are a STEM industry leader looking to engage STEM talent or an educator looking to provide direct career pathways for your students, you don’t want to miss this exciting event!

@stemsportsusa @gentechsupport @cityofphoenixaz @traceybee65 @scottsdaleunifiedsd @eric.j.rodriguez
The moment during Love Our Schools Day when Sunnyslope High School players realize they can help Sierra out of her wheelchair to make a basket. Watch with the sound on to hear these #studentleaders cheer her on! If you have not signed up for Love Our Schools Day yet, now is the time. Don’t miss the magic!

#LoveOurSchools #sunnyslopeproud #everychildmatters #leadershipstartshere #studentleaders #vikings #eaglessoar
@glendaleunionaz @sunnyslope_wesd @sunnyslopebasketball
NEW DATE! Join School Connect on Sept 11th to fire up the lanes and knock ’em down for our 2nd Annual Bowling Tournament Fundraiser! Bring a team to represent your organization and help us build a brighter future for Arizona youth!
Thank you to our sponsors: @core1937 #VSMG @stemsportsusa @progressive_roofing
#everychildmatters #representAZ #beachampion #team #bowlingtournament #networkforacause
Last year for Love Our Schools Day, volunteers helped Lakeview Elementary pack and organize their food pantry for kids experiencing hunger. What project is your school doing for Love Our Schools Day? Post your project to invite volunteers to your school! 


#loveourschool  #loveourschoolsday #communityaction #schoolproject #hungerheroes 


@lakeviewelementary @wesd_schools @calvaryphx
What is YOUR favorite Front “Pourch” Rule?
Summertime means TIME spent with your #family, your #friends, and your #team! Tell us your Favorite Front “Pourch” Rule(s) in the comments! Do you never sip alone? Do you observe 5 o’clock somewhere rules? What’s your sip of choice?

Every person who comments with their favorite rule(s) will be entered into a drawing to win 2 free tickets to our Brewery Tour Fundraiser! 
Fundraising tickets available here:

Tour schedule available here:

#summertime #neversipalone #5oclocksomewhere #frontpourchrules #frontporchrules #community 
@frontpourchbrewing @lakepleasantbrewing @simplemachinebrewing