Creating A STEM Pipeline for AZ K-12 Students

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona Proudly Supports AZ Education

AZ Blue’s K-12 division is committed to supporting Arizona school districts, helping them build highly educated and thriving communities. The communities we live in, play in and our children go to school in. We understand the healthcare needs and budgetary challenges of the education sector and serve more than 20,000 Arizona members working in education. Our promise to you is to constantly work towards better health, more value and stronger support.

Presented By:

You Are Invited! 

Location: Grand Canyon University Arena, 3300 W Camelback Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85017

Date & Time: March 28th, 3:30 – 6:00 pm

School Connect, the City of Phoenix, and Grand Canyon University invite you to the STEM CAFE – an exciting event where STEM industry professionals meet with school leaders to strategize collaborative projects and initiatives that will provide Arizona students with real world STEM experiences and opportunities. The event, presented by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona, aims to bolster Arizona’s future workforce, addressing the ongoing shortage of qualified STEM professionals as we work to build adaptable, future ready students. School Connect’s STEM CAFE is an opportunity to collaborate toward a sustainable K-12 STEM pipeline for Arizona.

What to Expect?

25 Schools

  • Learn STEM education and career opportunities
  • Make valuable STEM industry connections
  • Share a STEM experience with experts
  • Plan STEM initiatives

200+ STEM Business Leaders

  • Share STEM career opportunities
  • Build a workforce pipeline
  • Build connections in education
  • Showcase your commitment to K-12 education

“Before I went to ASU Stadium, I’d heard the word “engineer” before, but I didn’t really know what they did. It was kinda like a mystery job to me. And to be honest, I had no clue how someone becomes an engineer either. But when we had those engineer presenters at lunch, everything started to make sense.”

“I asked them all sorts of stuff, like how they got into engineering, what their favorite projects were, and what they thought was the coolest thing about their job. It got me thinking a lot about my future. Like, maybe I could be an engineer too someday. I mean, if they can do all this amazing stuff, why not me?”

“And guess what? Some of them said they struggled in school too. That was a big surprise because I always thought engineers had to be like super geniuses. It felt real because they were just regular people like us, and they made it happen. So now, I’m kinda excited about the idea of becoming an engineer one day. Who knows? Maybe I’ll be the one talking to students and inspiring them at some cool place like ASU Stadium in the future.”

Thank you to our Sponsors!







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Sign Up for Love Our Schools Day!

Are you a local school with a project? Love Our Schools Day is a project-based volunteer opportunity when the community can roll up their sleeves at a local school and make a difference where it is needed most. Perfect for a company team builder, a church service day, or a student club volunteer project, connect with us to plan a project for your school!

Grand Canyon University @gcu and School Connect are pleased to invite you to our Classroom to Career Conference on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, from 3-6 pm.



This future forward conference connects STEM industry leaders with school leadership forming STEM partnerships that will support Arizona youth from STEM classrooms all the way to STEM careers!

Much like the STEM CAFE, this conference is your one stop shop to bridge the gap between education and industry, connecting resources and integrating real world STEM experiences into the classroom. Whether you are a STEM industry leader looking to engage STEM talent or an educator looking to provide direct career pathways for your students, you don’t want to miss this exciting event!

@stemsportsusa @gentechsupport @cityofphoenixaz @traceybee65 @scottsdaleunifiedsd @eric.j.rodriguez
The moment during Love Our Schools Day when Sunnyslope High School players realize they can help Sierra out of her wheelchair to make a basket. Watch with the sound on to hear these #studentleaders cheer her on! If you have not signed up for Love Our Schools Day yet, now is the time. Don’t miss the magic!

#LoveOurSchools #sunnyslopeproud #everychildmatters #leadershipstartshere #studentleaders #vikings #eaglessoar
@glendaleunionaz @sunnyslope_wesd @sunnyslopebasketball
NEW DATE! Join School Connect on Sept 11th to fire up the lanes and knock ’em down for our 2nd Annual Bowling Tournament Fundraiser! Bring a team to represent your organization and help us build a brighter future for Arizona youth!
Thank you to our sponsors: @core1937 #VSMG @stemsportsusa @progressive_roofing
#everychildmatters #representAZ #beachampion #team #bowlingtournament #networkforacause
Last year for Love Our Schools Day, volunteers helped Lakeview Elementary pack and organize their food pantry for kids experiencing hunger. What project is your school doing for Love Our Schools Day? Post your project to invite volunteers to your school! 


#loveourschool  #loveourschoolsday #communityaction #schoolproject #hungerheroes 


@lakeviewelementary @wesd_schools @calvaryphx
What is YOUR favorite Front “Pourch” Rule?
Summertime means TIME spent with your #family, your #friends, and your #team! Tell us your Favorite Front “Pourch” Rule(s) in the comments! Do you never sip alone? Do you observe 5 o’clock somewhere rules? What’s your sip of choice?

Every person who comments with their favorite rule(s) will be entered into a drawing to win 2 free tickets to our Brewery Tour Fundraiser! 
Fundraising tickets available here:

Tour schedule available here:

#summertime #neversipalone #5oclocksomewhere #frontpourchrules #frontporchrules #community 
@frontpourchbrewing @lakepleasantbrewing @simplemachinebrewing