Sponsor A School

Sponsor A School to bring resources and support where it will make the greatest impact to local children and families!

Why Sponsor A School?

Schools are the hub of the neighborhood with the primary function of supporting local children and families. When you Sponsor A School, you connect much needed resources and opportunities directly to children and families where it will make the greatest impact. ALSO, because schools are multi-generational, your support will continue to make an impact year over year as multiple grades and generations attend and graduate!

Target Your Resources

Support a needed school program or initiative that would not be possible without your efforts

Support Children

Know that you are directly impacting a local school to increase opportunities for children

Build Connections

Connect with other leaders who care and are working for positive change in your community

Maximize Your Impact

Your support is maximized year over year as multiple grades and generations attend and graduate

Sign up to Sponsor A School or learn more!


Sponsor A School is a year-round opportunity to connect much needed resources and support to children through their local school. School Connect matches sponsors with a school to help impact the targeted goals of that school.

Initiatives might focus on learning opportunities such as a classroom arts or STEM project. Other initiatives build the whole environment of the school such as supporting staff with a wellness room, students with a mentoring program, or providing wraparound services for families.

Sponsor A School is a year-round program initiated as sponsors become available for School Connect to match with a school.

Sponsor A School initiatives should include the entire community. Perfect for a business team builder, a church service day, a neighborhood club, the local fire department, a school sports team or student council or even an individual sponsor – everyone in the community is welcome!

Sponsorships are school specific based on current goals or needs. Some sponsorships might focus on learning opportunities such as a STEM project in the classroom or the design and installation of a creative mural on campus. Others might focus on the well-being of students and staff. These sponsorships lead to projects like a wellness room for teachers, or new sports equipment for students.

When a sponsor connects with us, School Connect will reach out to a school based on the goals of the sponsor and the needs of the school. Our goal is to match sponsors whose mission aligns with a specific need they can meet at a school.

Yes! School Connect’s goal is to both build community partnerships and meet the needs of children and families at the local school. Sponsorship opportunities include any combination of resources or volunteering and may include more than one sponsor.

Yes! Both individuals and teams are welcome. Reach out to School Connect for information on next steps to info@schoolconnectaz.org.

Possibly! Larger projects especially may involve more than one sponsor or a combination of volunteers from one sponsor with resources provided by another. Please reach out with questions to info@schoolconnectaz.org.

Anyone who is thinking about the School Connect Model, you’re going to realize that you will better utilize your own resources, you’re going to better utilize the resources of the community, and you are going to come up with ideas and solutions that you never thought of before…I would strongly recommend this.

Dr. Joe Roselle ~ Laveen School District

We teamed up with School Connect to do the teacher boxes which we distributed to a few different campuses throughout the Valley and even some up in Northern Arizona. And some of the feedback on those was out of this world! It’s the smallest of things that make the biggest of differences.

John Dowd ~ CORE Construction

I was kinda shocked that in Maricopa County there is an estimated 650,000 people with food scarcity. One of the best ways to distribute food to areas that probably were in higher need than other areas of the Valley, was to do it through the school lunch system.

Michael McMahon ~ Urban Farming Education

The impact of YOUR sponsorship!

  • Increased Academic Achievement
  • More Digital Equity
  • Support for Homeless Students
  • Parent Engagement
  • Student Leadership & Mentoring
  • Equity and Inclusion Awareness
  • Teacher Retention & Support
  • Arts Education & STEM Opportunities
  • Wraparound Services for Families
  • Mental Health Support for Children
  • Increased Academic Achievement
  • More Digital Equity
  • Support for Homeless Students
  • Parent Engagement
  • Student Leadership & Mentoring
  • Equity and Inclusion Awareness
  • Teacher Retention & Support
  • Arts Education & STEM Opportunities
  • Wraparound Services for Families
  • Mental Health Support for Children

The Impact

Channel 3 shares how School Connect and CORE Construction supply 130 laptops to children and families in the Washington Elementary School District!

Step into the Mohave Accelerated Student News Room!

School Connect celebrates the successful first Morning News Show from Mohave Accelerated Learning Students in Bullhead City. This exciting news show was made possible by a grant Cox Communication Awarded to School Connect. Watch as these kids greet the morning with poise and enthusiasm!

More Ways to Get Involved!

Connect at a CAFÉ

Connect with school leadership to learn how you can make a difference! Join A CAFE!

Become a Champion

School Connect connects, trains, and coaches leaders like YOU to become school champions for the children in your community!

Love Our Teachers

Teacher Retention has a major impact on student outcomes. Let’s show teachers some love!

Love Our Schools

Join a project for Love Our Schools Day to strategically impact the greatest goals of the school!

Parent Connect 

Connect with other parents! Hear from experts on topics that you are living every single day!

Join Our Village

Doing this alone is impossible; it takes all of us working together to make a difference.

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News & Events

Sign Up for Love Our Schools Day!

Are you a local school with a project? Love Our Schools Day is a project-based volunteer opportunity when the community can roll up their sleeves at a local school and make a difference where it is needed most. Perfect for a company team builder, a church service day, or a student club volunteer project, connect with us to plan a project for your school!

Grand Canyon University @gcu and School Connect are pleased to invite you to our Classroom to Career Conference on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, from 3-6 pm.

Tickets: https://sccityofphoenix.org/event/2024-classroom-to-career-conf/

Flyer: https://schoolconnectaz.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/C2CC-Flyer-2024.pdf

This future forward conference connects STEM industry leaders with school leadership forming STEM partnerships that will support Arizona youth from STEM classrooms all the way to STEM careers!

Much like the STEM CAFE, this conference is your one stop shop to bridge the gap between education and industry, connecting resources and integrating real world STEM experiences into the classroom. Whether you are a STEM industry leader looking to engage STEM talent or an educator looking to provide direct career pathways for your students, you don’t want to miss this exciting event!

@stemsportsusa @gentechsupport @cityofphoenixaz @traceybee65 @scottsdaleunifiedsd @eric.j.rodriguez
The moment during Love Our Schools Day when Sunnyslope High School players realize they can help Sierra out of her wheelchair to make a basket. Watch with the sound on to hear these #studentleaders cheer her on! If you have not signed up for Love Our Schools Day yet, now is the time. Don’t miss the magic!


#LoveOurSchools #sunnyslopeproud #everychildmatters #leadershipstartshere #studentleaders #vikings #eaglessoar
@glendaleunionaz @sunnyslope_wesd @sunnyslopebasketball
NEW DATE! Join School Connect on Sept 11th to fire up the lanes and knock ’em down for our 2nd Annual Bowling Tournament Fundraiser! Bring a team to represent your organization and help us build a brighter future for Arizona youth!
Sponsor: https://schoolconnectaz.org/bowling/
Thank you to our sponsors: @core1937 #VSMG @stemsportsusa @progressive_roofing @kairos.healthcare
#everychildmatters #representAZ #beachampion #team #bowlingtournament #networkforacause
Last year for Love Our Schools Day, volunteers helped Lakeview Elementary pack and organize their food pantry for kids experiencing hunger. What project is your school doing for Love Our Schools Day? Post your project to invite volunteers to your school! 




#loveourschool  #loveourschoolsday #communityaction #schoolproject #hungerheroes 


@lakeviewelementary @wesd_schools @calvaryphx
What is YOUR favorite Front “Pourch” Rule?
Summertime means TIME spent with your #family, your #friends, and your #team! Tell us your Favorite Front “Pourch” Rule(s) in the comments! Do you never sip alone? Do you observe 5 o’clock somewhere rules? What’s your sip of choice?

Every person who comments with their favorite rule(s) will be entered into a drawing to win 2 free tickets to our Brewery Tour Fundraiser! 
Fundraising tickets available here: https://schoolconnectaz.org/event/brewery-tour-24/

Tour schedule available here: https://schoolconnectaz.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/2024-Brewery-Tour-Flyer.pdf

#summertime #neversipalone #5oclocksomewhere #frontpourchrules #frontporchrules #community 
@frontpourchbrewing @lakepleasantbrewing @simplemachinebrewing