Avondale participates in School Connect Campaign “A Community Thrives” To Give Community Support to Under Resourced Children

Avondale participates in School Connect Campaign “A Community Thrives” To Give Community Support to Under Resourced Children

School Connect is hosting its “A Community Thrives” campaign to connect 70 high-need Arizona schools, including the Avondale Elementary School District, to their surrounding communities.
The Arizona-based nonprofit’s mission is to tangibly connect all 2,485 Arizona K-12 school campuses with community resources and partnerships so that every student has a well-informed village ready to help them reach their potential.

Arizona nonprofit School Connect brings communities together to help students in need

Arizona nonprofit School Connect brings communities together to help students in need

A Glendale-based nonprofit is working to bring together businesses, faith communities, nonprofits and government agencies to help Arizona students in need.
School Connect partners with lower-income schools to provide students with clothing, food, mentorship and emotional support aimed at improving academic success.
Last year approximately 700 Arizona schools were assisted through partnerships serving about 420,000 students.

AZ Organization Helping 70 High-needs Schools

AZ Organization Helping 70 High-needs Schools

PHOENIX, AZ – School Connect, the Arizona-based organization that connects schools to communities so that every child has accessible resources, is announcing its ‘A Community Thrives’ campaign.
School Connect is on a mission to connect 70 high-need, Arizona schools to their surrounding community organizations, businesses and faith-based partners to help fill the educational, economic, social and emotional needs of the youth and families that attend these schools.
Through a month-long campaign, the organization will raise funds to provide seven districts with the necessary project money to host CAFE projects to work toward teacher retention, student behavior and academic achievement.

6th Annual School Connect Summit

6th Annual School Connect Summit

For Susie Smith, Principal of Desert Foothills Middle School, and Andrea Worth, Outreach Director of CalvaryPHX, that starting place was the School Connect Summit in 2018.
Since that day, their partnership has grown in powerful ways! From students gaining interactive playground equipment to teachers receiving coffee gift cards, gift baskets, and community appreciation, Susie and Andrea’s partnership has built an environment where kids thrive!

Meet Tracey Beal | Founder & CEO of School Connect

Meet Tracey Beal | Founder & CEO of School Connect

Every time I have started something new there has been risk involved, but beginning our nonprofit, School Connect, felt particularly that way because I loved the job I already had. The chance to do something really fresh that could make a true difference in schools and communities was so compelling that I took the leap and I never looked back! Taking risks is the only way I have actually moved forward in things that really mattered to me. I had to believe in a vision of what could be, become really clear about what I was trying to accomplish and cast that vision in a compelling way so that others came to believe it as well.