Meet Tracey Beal | Founder & CEO of School Connect

Meet Tracey Beal | Founder & CEO of School Connect

Every time I have started something new there has been risk involved, but beginning our nonprofit, School Connect, felt particularly that way because I loved the job I already had. The chance to do something really fresh that could make a true difference in schools and communities was so compelling that I took the leap and I never looked back! Taking risks is the only way I have actually moved forward in things that really mattered to me. I had to believe in a vision of what could be, become really clear about what I was trying to accomplish and cast that vision in a compelling way so that others came to believe it as well.

School Connect AZ Asks Who Will You Nominate?

School Connect AZ Asks Who Will You Nominate?

Every year School Connect AZ is inspired by the passion of educators to surround kids with resource rich environments that help our children learn and grow.
The past year has been challenging like never before, but educators have faced this challenge with heroic resolve, and we want to celebrate them!
Do you know a teacher, a student, a principal, a superintendent or a school board member who has inspired you with their ability to beat the odds, solve problems creatively and help their students and community thrive?